Psalm 127:3

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. (NLT)

July 01, 2009

Book of the Month - The Choice Is Yours - John C Maxwell

For the month of July, let's review John C Maxwell's "The Choice Is Yours."

This small, yet powerful handbook offers inspiration and guidance in 16 key areas that will help you become the person you desire to be.

In our everyday life, we are faced with choices and decision-making. Do we select the path that is difficult and less-travelled or the easy road? The decision is yours ... and the choice is yours!

The 16 key areas are:
1. Attitude
2. Character
3. Values
4. Self-discipline
5. Commitment
6. Teachability
7. Initiative
8. Passion
9. Courage
10. Responsibility
11. Growth
12. Relationships
13. Communication
14. Encouragement
15. Servanthood
16. Love

To totally grasp 16 key areas at one shot maybe a little too much to handle, so we'll cover 2 key areas each time.

TODAY (Day 1)

1. ATTITUDE is a Choice
Life is 10% how we make it; 90% how we take it.

No matter what, your attitude is a choice
It’s easier to maintain the right attitude than to regain it
Your attitude determines your action
The people you lead reflect the attitude you possess

Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them
- Leo Tolstoy
2. CHARACTER is a Choice
A good heart is better than all the heads in the world

- Gifts and talents are given to us, but character is developed by us
- Our character earns the trust of others
- Only good character gives us lasting success with people
- Strong character communicates credibility and consistency
- Our character colors our perspective
- We cannot rise above the limitations of our character

Sow a Thought, and you reap and Act
Sow an Act, and you reap a Habit
Sow a Habit, and you reap a Character
Sow a Character, and you reap a Destiny.

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