Psalm 127:3

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. (NLT)

July 17, 2009

10 Laws of Sowing

1.What we sow is What we reap
2. Where we sow is where we reap
3.The Quality we sow is the Quality we reap
4.Want to harvest a thousand plants, we need to sow a “few” thousand seeds
5.The seed sown multiplies
6.Sow to your Harvest and NOT from your Harvest
Want to harvest 10 acres, then sow in a plot of 10 acres. If we stick to the
current 5 acres, it is not sowing to the harvest but from the harvest.
7. The seed must be planted in the ground
8. The seed must be left alone for the harvest to occur- Seasons
9. The Harvest always takes time
10.The window for the Harvest cycle is short – Harvest Does not Wait

July 14, 2009

Collaboration is an Excellent strategy for achievement

A man was lost while driving through the country. As he
tried to read a map, he accidentally drove off the road into
a ditch. Though he wasn’t injured, his car was stuck deep in
the mud. So the man walked to a nearby farm to ask for help.

"Warwick can get you out of that ditch," said the farmer,
pointing to an old mule standing in a field. The man looked
at the haggardly mule and looked at the farmer who just
stood there and repeated, "Yep, old Warwick can do the job."
The man figured he had nothing to lose. The two men and
Warwick made their way back to the ditch.

The farmer hitched the mule to the car. With a snap of the
reins he shouted, "Pull, Fred! Pull, Jack! Pull, Ted!, Pull,
Warwick!" And the mule pulled the car from the ditch with
very little effort.

The man was amazed. He thanked the farmer, patted the mule
and asked, "Why did you call out all of those other names
before you called Warwick?"

The farmer grinned and said, "Old Warwick is just about
blind. As long as he believes he's part of a team, he
doesn't mind pulling."

Collaboration is an excellent strategy for achievement.

Article is taken from PROMOTING RESPONSIBILITY & LEARNING - Marvin Marshall's Monthly Newsletter


This is a contribution from one of the fathers. No offence to all the women out there, this is just one of those jokes that we, ladies, take it within our stride .... Ahem! Enjoy it!

July 07, 2009


5. COMMITMENT is a Choice

You will invest your life in something, or you will throw it away on nothing.
Haddon Robinson

How to develop commitment

- Realize it usually begins with a struggle
- Understand that it has nothing to do with talent or ability
- Recognize that it’s not a matter of conditions but of choice
- Start with the little things
- Settle moral issues before you are confronted
- Trust in God

6. TEACHABILITY is a Choice

They know enough who know how to learn. – Henry Brooks Adams

Nothing is interesting if you are not interested. Helen Macinness

To be fond of learning is to be near to knowledge. – Tze-Sze

U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt is an outspoken man of action. He is known for regular boxing, judo and horseback rides, hikes.
His accomplishments while in leadership, are remarkable; building of the Panama Canal, negotiation of peace between Russia and Japan, winning a Nobel Peace Prize.
Even after his presidency, he led a scientific expedition to River of Doubt in Brazil. It was a great learning adventure and he was 55 years old.
On Jan 6, 1919, he died at his home, in his sleep. Although death has taken him during sleep, when they removed him from his bed, they found a book under his pillow. Up to the very end, Theodore Roosevelt was still striving to learn and improve himself.
He is a truly remarkable man of his age, to be always on-the-go and thirsty for knowledge.

Bubbles On The Border - taken from Our Daily Bread

Stuck in a long line at the US-Canada border, Joel Schoon Tanis had to do something to lighten the mood! He reached for his bottles of bubble-making solution, bounded out of the car, and began blowing bubbles. He handed bottles to other drivers too, and he says that “soon there were bubbles everywhere. . . . It’s amazing what bubbles do for people.” The line didn’t move any faster, but “suddenly everyone was happy,” Joel says.

“What we see depends mainly on what we look for,” said British statesman John Lubbock (1834–1913). A good attitude and the right focus help us to handle life joyfully, even though it doesn’t change our circumstances.

Paul encouraged the Corinthians in their trials: “Do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (2 Cor. 4:18).

So what’s unseen and eternal that we can look at? The character of God is an excellent place to focus. He is good (Ps. 25:8), He is just (Isa. 30:18), He is forgiving (1 John 1:9), and He is faithful (Deut. 7:9).

Pondering God’s character can give us joy in the midst of our struggles. — Anne Cetas

The eyes of faith when fixed on Christ
Give hope for what’s ahead;
But focus on life’s obstacles,
And faith gives way to dread. —D. De Haan

When Christ is the center of your focus, all else will come into proper perspective.

July 04, 2009


3. VALUES are a Choice

Try not to become Men of Success,
Rather, become Men of Value – Albert Einstein

Values are like …
Anchors – They hold you steady during roght times
Friends – They stay with you and assure you
The North Star – They are always dependable to guide you
A Fresh Wind – They give you refreshing encouragement

4. SELF-DISCIPLINE is a Choice

It is not the mountains we conquer, but ourselves – Sir Edmund Hillary

6 keys to self-discipline

Train yourself to make good use of your time
Study yourself, identify your strengths, and build on them
Know the priorities of your work
Give your time to the people who produce results
Make decisions quickly with limited information
Take action whenever possible

July 01, 2009

Book of the Month - The Choice Is Yours - John C Maxwell

For the month of July, let's review John C Maxwell's "The Choice Is Yours."

This small, yet powerful handbook offers inspiration and guidance in 16 key areas that will help you become the person you desire to be.

In our everyday life, we are faced with choices and decision-making. Do we select the path that is difficult and less-travelled or the easy road? The decision is yours ... and the choice is yours!

The 16 key areas are:
1. Attitude
2. Character
3. Values
4. Self-discipline
5. Commitment
6. Teachability
7. Initiative
8. Passion
9. Courage
10. Responsibility
11. Growth
12. Relationships
13. Communication
14. Encouragement
15. Servanthood
16. Love

To totally grasp 16 key areas at one shot maybe a little too much to handle, so we'll cover 2 key areas each time.

TODAY (Day 1)

1. ATTITUDE is a Choice
Life is 10% how we make it; 90% how we take it.

No matter what, your attitude is a choice
It’s easier to maintain the right attitude than to regain it
Your attitude determines your action
The people you lead reflect the attitude you possess

Happiness does not depend on outward things, but on the way we see them
- Leo Tolstoy
2. CHARACTER is a Choice
A good heart is better than all the heads in the world

- Gifts and talents are given to us, but character is developed by us
- Our character earns the trust of others
- Only good character gives us lasting success with people
- Strong character communicates credibility and consistency
- Our character colors our perspective
- We cannot rise above the limitations of our character

Sow a Thought, and you reap and Act
Sow an Act, and you reap a Habit
Sow a Habit, and you reap a Character
Sow a Character, and you reap a Destiny.