Psalm 127:3

Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. (NLT)

June 05, 2009

"FIREPROOF" - The Movie

For those of us who are always buzzing around and hardly have the chance to sit through a movie, less to say a good one, "FIREPROOF" comes highly recommended.

From the same directors of "Facing the Giants" (another excellent movie), Alex & Stephen Kendrick, have done it again! Both movies are box-office success.

This film tackles the core of a culture issue in today's world - marriages on the brink of divorce.

The storyline unfolds with Capt. Caleb Holt (Kirk Cameron), the captain of a team of firefighters. Managing fires and crisis at work is what he does on a daily basis, however, he doesn't realize the danger that his own marriage is facing. Caleb goes to his father for some advice, seeking a shortcut to fix his marriage. Slowly, in the process, he discovers that there is no shortcut to a marriage except to love. From that, Caleb learnt about true love, and his spiritual journey with God grew.

This is a good movie to watch with your spouse and understand the meaning of unconditional love, self-sacrifice and be reminded of our marriage vows! ENJOY!

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